Hand Position
Hand Position
By Cindy Ellis
Cindy Ellis |
Make sure that the flute is balanced properly in your hands. The main
points for support are the right hand thumb and the first finger knuckle
joint of the left hand. Keep in mind that there is some counterbalance
coming from the flute resting on the lip/chin area as well. Orient
yourself in a room facing one wall: The left hand palm should face the
wall to your right, keeping the elbow joint rather low. The right hand
thumb can be placed under the F key, or slightly lower, but oriented
underneath the index finger. Make sure that there is no break in the
wrist joint, so that the right arm has a smooth line all the way to the
elbow. These little adjustments in hand position may encourage
smoother finger technique. Fingers move from the knuckle down: the hands
don't move. Use a mirror to check your hand position frequently.
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