Friday, June 13, 2014

Jumping Out of "The Flutist Pile" Mentality

By Nicole Camacho

Nicole Camacho -
Photo by Erika Kapin
Yes, We Play the Flute, BUT WHO ARE WE?  Who are we EACH? Can we all be jumbled into one pile called "The Flutist Pile" and summarized into a few characteristics? Absolutely NOT.  

Here is a quote I found, of which I LOVE by Leo Bascaglia, "Labels are a distancing phenomena- stop using them! And when people use them around you, have the gumption and the guts to say, "What and who are you talking about because I don't know any such thing." ... There is no word vast enough to begin to describe even the simplest of man.  But only you can stop it.  A loving person won't stand for it.  There are too many beautiful things about each human being to call him a name and put him aside."  

And so this post is an invitation!  You are invited to 
1) notice all the wonderful and beautiful things that make you, YOU 
2) notice all the unique characteristics about each flutist in your flute studio! and 
3) begin to communicate a love for the individual artist in each flutist to the people around you! 

This perspective is going to contribute greatly to your BRAND when launching into your careers!  And if you need help, please write people asking for a few words on how they would describe you!  Also make a list of things you love and are passionate about!  I knew a great colleague who had a passion for serving veterans and started a not-for-profit organization/ brass quintet dedicated to performing for veterans!  I knew another awesome spirit who played jazz drums and had a passion for performance and music education.  He started a project to bring jazz programs to students across the country.  :0) 

I always say, I am not the flute's instrument, but the flute is mine!  Haha!  What have you got to say, young artist?!  What makes you, YOU?!  What do you LOVE?!  

So, YES, as you dive into summer adventures, take it as an opportunity to answer these questions! 

Photo attached of this quote by Mr. Bascaglia and please notice the very awesome blog cited in left of photo called "Brainpickings". 

Leo Buscaglia on education, conformity, and how labels limit our capacity for love – absolutely magnificent and timelessly true gem from 1970

Find Nicole online at:
Twitter:    @Flutana 
Facebook:  /flutana 
Instagram:  flutana 

Music Unboxed Concert Series:
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Facebook:  /musicunboxed 

Twitter:  @FutureOfFlute 

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