Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Successful Path with Demarre McGill

By Rebecca Weissman
Communications Director, Verne Q. Powell Flutes, Inc.

I can honestly say that I have never been as inspired after hearing anyone speak than I was after listening to Powell artist Demarre McGill address a group of twelve to fourteen-year-old students in Buffalo, New York.  I happened to find a video clip of his speech online, and I encourage everyone to set aside an hour to watch this video. The age of the students he addresses is certainly a critical one in our development into adulthood.  At that age, it can be confusing to think about which direction to take toward not only a profession,  but also your social network.  Of course, as musicians, it is often times especially difficult for us to follow our passion as our chosen career path.  When asked by one student if he had ever considered a different profession, Demarre emphasized the value of believing in yourself and your own abilities.  Speaking particularly to music as his profession, he shared, "I do this, and I love doing this -- because I have something to say."  Watch the clip.  I guarantee you will find inspiration whether you are a student, teacher, parent, or professional in any line of work.

Demarre was selected to speak to the students as part of the Success Looks Like Me Role Model Project® funded by the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo's Communities of Giving Legacy Initiative.  The program connects low-income students of color with successful multi-cultural and multi-ethnic professionals, demonstrating that success and greatness know no cultural or ethic boundaries.  Follow this link to read more about the program on the Community Foundation for Great Buffalo's website.

Success Looks Like Me - Demarre McGill from WNYMedia Services on Vimeo.

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