In the latest video lesson on his
Simply Flute website, Powell artist Paul Edmund-Davies tackles the topic of intervals. Although intervals may seem tedious to practice alone, Paul points out that they certainly demand attention as they will undoubtedly appear within quick passages, often times bringing us to a halt. We can probably all identify with the following quote from the beginning of his lesson:
When we play pieces or studies, we are understandably eager
to perform them at a good speed and with flow. Then, all of a sudden, a few
beats or bars of intervals emerge from the page and that flow is instantly
interrupted. We stumble our way through in a mild blind panic and once we can
see daylight again, wipe the perspiration from our furrowed brows!
In a creative and practical approach to intervals, Paul composed a few short studies to train us to be both mentally and physically prepared for these large leaps within the context of various passages. These studies incorporate a simple melody and rhythmic variations that are perfect for working toward the goal of performing intervals smoothly. His lesson begins with a video demonstration followed by text and downloadable sheet music.
Follow this link to view the full lesson on Paul's
Simply Flute website.
Sample exercise from the lesson. Click here to download the complete set from his video lesson. |
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